The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing

The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing

Utilizing online networking for showcasing objects is a trend that isn’t leaving at any point in the near future. In fact, year after year, the investment in social media marketing has been doubled. In today’s era, the majority of the population uses social media daily and it’s also a proven fact that they spend maximum time on social media than watching television. Using Social media for marketing your business would be a worthwhile investment.

When done in the right direction, using different social media accounts might help you connect deeper with your fellow customers. It’s a great platform to improve brand awareness and engage the maximum number of audiences compared to traditional marketing.

Have you just started with social media and want to know the dos and don’ts of social media to maximize your performance?

  1. Do: Create a Complete Profile

    An incomplete profile with less information appears to be less professional and lose your first impression on new customers. So make sure to create a clever and attractive bio, a visible eye-catching profile picture and fill out other details of your profile. Obviously, the contact detail is a must. Make sure you don’t miss it.

  2. Do: Stay Active of Social Accounts

    Probably the greatest challenge while building up a strategy for your brand is “How frequently should we post?” It might vary depending on your business.

    However, there is no such strict rule on how often you should post on social media; it’s good to stay active by posting at least thrice a week. This way you can serve fresh content to your customers and be engaged with them on a regular basis.

  3. Do: Remember the Best Times to Post

    Just posting the content at a random time period might not work as much. So you have to be sure enough to post the content when most people will actually be online to see it.

    Although there are a lot of suggestions on when to post and which is the best time to post on your social media business page. Hootsuite suggests that posting in between 9:00 and 12:00 AM early in the week is the best time. Whereas Hubspot suggests posting around 9:00 AM for Facebook and Twitter, and for Instagram business pages posting around 5:00 PM is a great time. The list is endless out there for suggestions. Do proper research on your target audience and then choose the effective time to post.

  4. Do: Use Various Kinds of Media

    Just like the way you don’t feature text-only blog posts as it would be boring, you also want to feature variations in delivering information to your audience.

    You can make use of easily available online free tools to create excellent sharable infographics, short videos, and share it on your social media business pages. In fact, the majority of people prefer videos to blog posts.

  5. Do: Interact with your Audience

    Remember that social media is supposed to be just like that: social. Your followers and customers do not want to engage with robots rather they prefer to interact with you in person. Obviously, you don’t have to sit in front of your system all the time to respond to every query of your customers. But there are times you should give your input as well.

    Make sure you provide helpful and valuable content when people have queries and concerns. The motive is to develop good bonding with your customers and engage with them as you would in the real world.

  6. Don’t: Just Sell, Promote or Advertise Post

    Yes, promoting and advertising is a way to reach new people, gain new leads for your business, and increase brand awareness. But bombarding your customers or followers with just advertising or promoting content every time you post might annoy them and finally, you will have to face the circumstances of a drop in your post engagement over the time period.

    Be careful enough while creating ads and know your target audience. A pro tip is to use ad tools that allow you to target people that do not fall into your followers’ list but are your non-followers.

  7. Don’t: Forget to Include Links

    Just cultivating the audience for your social media page is not enough if you want to convert your followers as customers to your business. You must include the links of your landing pages, blog pages, if you have an e-commerce business of selling products then you must include the product pages and just do not miss to include contact us page.

    The Instagram story has a superb feature of “swipe up” if you have 10,000 or more followers already.

  8. Don’t: Forget your Other Accounts

    Don’t just focus on only one social media profile. Being a small business owner, you might get some momentum going on your Facebook profile and then get preoccupied with other responsibilities.

    So to make sure that you do not miss updating your other social media accounts, you can make use of some automated tools that can really help you to feature your post simultaneously on all the social media platforms.

  9. Don’t: Avoid Negative Comments and Reviews

    As mentioned already, No matter what kind of business you run, customers will have complaints and it’s certain. These kinds of negative comments need to be prioritized and responded to. Probably, you can have a one to one conversation via email or phone.

    It’s obvious whenever we see a negative comment, our first inclination will be to just remove the comment or hide them. It’s not advisable to do this until and unless the post is full of vulgarity or other provocative remarks.

    Deleting all negative posts might come into customers’ notice and this might affect the reputation in the future.

  10. Don’t: Excessively depend on Auto DMs

    Excessive reliance on Auto DMs i.e. Direct Message is not a wise thing to follow. Sending up an automated DM for every new follower is not advisable. However, using it for a one-on-one conversation with a follower is a good call to take.

There are no such hard rules for social media marketing but you should always keep exploring new and creative ways to reach your audience. Be aware of relevant practices and incorporate your social media knowledge into strategies for engaging with your followers. This way you would experience a positive response on your brand or business.


The do and don'ts of social media marketing

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